As a single Mom, I needed to find a way to supplement my income. I quickly found that many people: coworkers, friends, and relatives had new or very gently used toys that they no longer needed but they didn’t know what to do with them. I jumped into action and set up an Ebay store. Back then (2008) when an item sold, you waited patiently to receive a check from the buyer and waited for it to clear the bank before mailing out their purchase. Even with the long process, I suddenly couldn’t keep up with my part time hobby/business.
Toys were being donated and dropped off at my house or thrown into the back of my car as we made our weekly rounds of sports and dance classes. That was when I saw the opportunity to save brand-new toys from the trash pile, help others afford extras for their children, and increase my income. Eventually, I began taking products in by consignment or buying new toys in damaged boxes at cost.
Today, I still love the hunt and discovery of a great find. I have expanded and I am always looking to purchase items New and Gently Loved to resell them to others at affordable prices.
My committment to you is that I would never sell anything that I wouldn’t give to my own family. This site is linked to my Ebay store Drama Free Mama LLC.
If you have a question or comments, I would love to hear from you at [email protected]